What’s New in LiveWhale 2.12.0

This minor release includes a new way to format RSS feeds as well as bug fixes and improvements for linked calendar refreshing, navigation display, anchor links in LiveWhale accordions, and more.

New feature: Customizable RSS output

In recent years we’ve already seen several schools doing neat things with customized RSS outputs—using a widget, essentially, to make a hand-built RSS syntax that matches exactly what your particular application is looking for. This has always involved a bit of complex hand-coding or module work, though, and so for LiveWhale 2.12.0 we decided to codify this “widget-style” approach into something any developer could do. After upgrading, you can start with the bundled example file and customize it to change the /live/rss/events formatting the same way you would any widget. [docs and instructions]

Behavior adjustments

  • When sharing to another group and auto-accepting as live, the shared item is no longer duplicated to the destination group, but created as a linked copy. This means that the “Auto-accept as Live” behavior now matches what you’d get by clicking “Accept as Live” in the suggestion notifications on the recipient group.
  • When linking to an anchor element inside an accordion content block, the content panel will now automatically open before moving to the element.
  • Search interfaces now include all groups by default in the WYSIWYG add/edit link dialog.
  • The profile type editor now lists custom fields set in the CMS system configuration that already apply to the profile type being edited.


  • Fixed a condition where Linked Calendar feed refreshes could become delayed.
  • Fixed an issue where the front-end calendar component lw_calendar_tags was showing individual group’s starred tags on a main calendar (not restricted by group). Now, calendars that include all groups (i.e., no group= argument) will only show global starred tags.
  • Fixed an issue where text indicating group ownership of widgets in WYSIWYG widget insert overlays read as “undefined”.
  • Changed title of editor form validation overlay from “Missing Required Field” to “Form Validation Error” since sometimes it can be a field’s length or custom validation that is the cause of the error.
  • Fixed an issue where the image collections in the “Add to collection” drop-down weren’t appearing in alphabetical order.
  • Fixed the checkbox to make all groups automatically display manually-authorized content.
  • Fixed a PHP syntax issue (introduced in 2.11.0) affecting front-end calendars running PHP 8.
  • Fixed an issue affecting CSV imports of content containing inline forms.
  • Fixed an issue with Google Analytics when an invalid p12 private key was used.
  • LiveWhale CMS Only
    • Fixed an edge case where a section nav might not display on a section homepage if the homepage appeared twice in a nav.
    • Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP 8.1 that could sometimes cause section navigations to display improperly.
    • Fixed an issue where nested accordions in the page editor wouldn’t process correctly when publishing.
    • Fixed an issue that preventing the “Group: ____” info text from showing up in the back-end profiles list when showing results from all groups.
    • Fixed an issue affecting custom URLs for schools using the experimental “drafts” feature.

Developer options


  • Improved responsiveness of the hourly linked calendar refresh cycle.
  • Performance improvement: the same widget cache now gets shared between both web nodes unless specifically configured to require different per-node caches. In most cases, widgets can and should show the same results for both nodes.
  • Fixed an issue with the SAML login module that occasionally logged an error when starting a new login session.
  • Fixed a recently introduced issue where a custom BACKUPS_TTL setting could be ignored and save more backups than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where an internal cache failed to perform its cleanup routine on secondary web nodes.

Release date: October 27, 2023

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